Protein Ai

Bioinformatics Approaches to Protein Structure Prediction, Ligand Interaction, and Drug Design: A Detailed Tutorial

September 25, 2023 Off By admin

Table of Contents

1. Downloading Protein Sequence from Uniprot:

a. Go to UniProt

  • Type “Green Fluorescent Protein” or “P42212” in the search bar.
  • Click on the entry titled “P42212” or the equivalent.
  • Here, find the “Sequence” section.
  • Click “FASTA” to copy the sequence.

2. Primary Structure Analysis using Expasy ProtParam:

a. Go to ProtParam

  • Paste your FASTA sequence into the input box and submit.

b. Interpretation:

  • Number of Amino Acids: Gives insight into the size of the protein.
  • Molecular Weight: Useful for experimental planning and analysis.
  • Theoretical pI: Predicts the pH at which the protein is neutral.
  • Amino Acid Composition: Provides insights into the protein’s characteristics, stability, and functionality.
  • Extinction Coefficient: Useful for determining protein concentration using absorbance.

3. Secondary Structure Prediction using PSIPRED:

a. Go to PSIPRED

  • Paste the FASTA sequence and run the tool.

b. Interpretation:

  • PSIPRED provides visual representation of the secondary structure elements: alpha-helices, beta-sheets, and coils. Evaluate the regions where these structures are located and correlate them with functional regions of the protein if known.

4. Homology Modelling using Swiss-Model:

a. Go to Swiss-Model

  • Paste the FASTA sequence and submit.
  • After modeling, download the model in PDB format.

b. Interpretation:

  • QMEAN: A scoring function for model quality estimation, higher is usually better.
  • GMQE: Gives an indication about the reliability of the model, it ranges between 0-1; the higher the better.

5. Structure Assessment using SAVES Server:

a. Go to SAVES

  • Upload your modeled structure.
  • Evaluate the results using tools like ERRAT and Verify3D.

b. Interpretation:

  • ERRAT: Quality factor, higher is better.
  • Verify3D: Assesses the compatibility of an atomic model with its amino acid sequence, scores above 0.2 are considered acceptable.

6. Get Suitable Ligand from PubChem:

a. Go to PubChem

  • Let’s assume we have identified five hypothetical ligands related to fluorescence. We’ll refer to them as Ligand1 (CID: XXXXX1), Ligand2 (CID: XXXXX2), Ligand3 (CID: XXXXX3), Ligand4 (CID: XXXXX4), and Ligand5 (CID: XXXXX5).
  • Download the chemical structure of each ligand, preferably in SDF or SMILES format.

7. Check Ligand using SwissADME:

a. Go to SwissADME

  • Input each ligand’s SMILES string or SDF file and run the tool.

b. Interpretation:

  • Lipophilicity (LogP): A crucial descriptor in ADME prediction; values between 1 and 3 are generally considered optimal for oral drugs.
  • Solubility: Important for bioavailability.
  • MedChem Friendliness: Helps assess whether a compound is suitable for a drug from a medicinal chemistry perspective.

Analyze these parameters to select ligands with optimal properties.

8. Docking using Swiss-Dock:

a. Go to SwissDock

  • Upload the ligand and the protein structures (in the appropriate format, typically PDB).
  • After the docking run is complete, you can download the predicted binding poses in terms of their ΔG values (binding free energies).

b. Interpretation:

  • Check the cluster details, focusing on the FullFitness (ΔG) value. The lower (more negative) the ΔG, the more favorable the binding is predicted to be.
  • Assess the docking poses to ensure they make logical and feasible interactions based on the protein’s known function and the ligand’s chemistry.

9. Results Analysis:

a. Analyze the Binding Poses:

b. Interpretation:

  • Are the ligands interacting with crucial residues known to be involved in the protein’s function or other known ligands’ binding?
  • Are the interactions (hydrophobic, hydrogen bonds, etc.) logical and favorable for stable binding?
  • How does each ligand compare in terms of binding pose and ΔG? Which ligand is predicted to be the most favorable?

10. Summary:

After completing all the steps, compare all the ligands and their interactions with the protein, assess the reliability of the models, and analyze the drug-likeness and pharmacokinetics properties of each ligand. Here’s a potential approach to summarizing the findings:

  • Compare the Ligands: Which ligand has the most favorable binding affinity, and does it interact logically with the protein?
  • Reliability Assessment: Is the model and the predicted interactions reliable based on the validations, and do they make sense biologically?
  • ADMET Properties: Which ligand shows optimal drug-like properties based on SwissADME analysis?

Final Thoughts:

This workflow provides an in-depth step-by-step analysis of protein-ligand interactions, from obtaining protein sequences to docking studies, and it forms the backbone for structure-based drug design. However, in practical scenarios, experimental validation, further in-depth in silico studies, and iterative refinement are crucial to accurately understand and validate the predicted interactions and to potentially discover impactful compounds.
