Bioinformatics thesaurus
November 8, 2018Bioinformatics thesaurus

API Application Programmer Interface ACEDB A Cahenorhabitis elegans database AFDB Archaeoglobus fulgidus Genome Database AMSDb Antimicrobial Sequences Database ARR Androgen Receptor Resource AnoDB An Anopheles Database AtDB Arabidopsis thaliana Database AtIR Arabidopsos thaliana Information Resource BBDB Borrelia burgdorferi Genome Databse BLAST Basic Local Alignment Search Tool BioImage Biological Images database CATH Class,Architecture, Topology, Homology CAZy Carbohydrate-Active enZymes CCSD Complete Carbohydrates Structure Database CGAP Cancer Genome Anatomy Project CINEMA Colour INteractive Editor for Multiple Alignments CMS Current Medline Scanner COPE Cytokines Online Pathfinder Encyclopaedia CSD Cambridge Structural Database CSNDB Cell signaling Networks Databse CUTG Codon Usage Tabulated from Genbank CCP11 Computer Collaborative Project DbCFC Cytokine Family cDNA database DbEST database of Expressed Sequence Tags DbGSS database of Genome Survey Sequence DbSNP database of single Nucleotide Polymorphisms DbSTS database of Sequence Tagged Sites DDBJ DNA Data Bank of Japan DELTA Description Language for Taxonomy DIP Database of Interacting Proteins DOGS Database of Genome Sizes DPD DNA Pataent Database DPInteract DNA-Protein Ineractions databse ECDC E.coli Databse Collection EMG Encyclopedia Promoter Databse ESTHER ESTerase and alpha/beta Hydrolase Enzymes and Relatives EPD Eukaryotic Promoter Database EpoDB Erythropoiesis Database EBI European BioInformatics Institute (EMBL Outstation) EGCG Extensions to the GCG package (See article by Rice et al.) eMail Electronic Mail EMBL European Molecular Biology Laboratory EMBnet European Molecular Biology network EPFL Ecole Politechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland ETH Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich, Switzerland EU European Union Entrez Database retrieval program created by the NCBI FDF Fast Data Finder FSSP Fold classification based on Structure-Structure alignemnt of Proteins FAQ Frequently Asked Questions FASTA Sequence database searching program created by W.Pearson GByte GigaByte , 1 000 000 000 bytes GCRDb G-protein-coupled Receptor Databse GDB Genome Database GQ GeneQuiz GRBase Growth Regulation Databse GRR Glucocorticoid Receptor Resource GSDB GEnomic Sequence Databse GCG Genetics Computer Group Inc., commercial vendor of the GCG package GNA Globewide Network Academy, and initiative for teleteaching GUI Graphical User Interface HEXAdb Hexosaminidase A Locus database HGMD Human Gene Mutation Database HGSI Human Genome Sequencing Index HIDB Haemophilus influenza Rd Genome Database HMM Hidden Markov Model HOVERGEN Homologous Vertebrate Genes database HPDB Helicobacter pylori Genome Databse HASSLE Network protocol created by the Swiss node of EMBnet HGMP Human Genome Mapping Project, based at Cambridge/United Kingdom HSSP Database of homology-derived structures of proteins (Sander et al.) IGD Interagrated Genomic Database IMAGE Intergrated Molecular Analysis of Gene Expression IMGT The international ImMunoGeneTics information system® INC The Ion Channel network ICGEB International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Trieste ICLUI IBM Class Library User Interface IG Intelligenetics Inc.; commercial vendor of the Intelligenetics Suite INCBI Irish National Centre for BioInformatics IP Internet Protocol, connecting 3-5 millions of computers JIPID Japan International Protein Information Databse JaMBW Java based Molecular Biologist’s Workbench KEGG Kyoto Encyclopaedia of Genes and Genomes LIMS Laboratory Information Management System LSUrRNA db large ribosomal subunit database MAD Malaria Antigen Database MDB Metalloprotein site Database and Browser MEME MultipleEM for Motif Elicitation MGC Mammalian Gene Collection MGDB Mycoplasma Genitalium Genome Database MGI Mouse GEnome Informatics MHCPEP MHC-binding peptides database MIPS Munich Information centre for Protein Sequences MJDB Methanococcus jannaschii Genome Database MMDB Molecular Modelling Database MOWSE MOlecular Weight Search MPDB Molecualar Probe Database MRR Mineralocorticoid Receptor Resource MSA Multiple Sequence Alignments MT Metallothioneins database MolR Us Molecules R Us MasPar Name of a hardware vendor for computers of the same name MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, conventions for sending eMail MPsrch Sequence searching application on the MasPar computer (Coulson et al.) MSU Mail Submission Utility, allows to send data by eMail conveniently MycDB Mycobacterium Database NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information, Washington, US NCSA National Center for Supercomputing Applications, US NDB Nucleic Acid Database NFS Network File System, a program system to share files on local networks NRR Nuclear Receptor Resource OMF Open Molecule Foundation OMIA Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals OMIM Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man OPD Oligonucleotide Probe Database ORDB Olfactory Receptor Database ORPHANET Database of rare diseases and orphan drugs OS Operating System, the program which keeps computers alive OSF/1 Tradename for Digital Equipment’s flavour of UNIX operating systems PC ‘Personal Computer’, can be anything from low-end to very powerful PDB Protein Datab Bank PHI-blast Pattern Hit Intiated BLAST PKR Protein Kinase Resource PMD Protein Mutation Database PSI-blast Position Specific Iterated BLAST Pfam Protein Families Database ProDom Protein Domain Database PHYLIP Program Package created by J.Felsenstein for Phylogenicity PIR Protein Identifiaction Resource International, a protein database vendor PMDF Program package to deal with electronic mail PSB Abbreviation for ‘Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing’ RASMOL Program package by R.Sayle to display protein structures RDP Ribosomal Database Project RFC Request for Comments, documents describing Internet Protocol conventions SCOP Structural Classification of Proteins SCPD Sacharomyces Cerevisae Promoter Database SEALS System for Easy Analysis of Lots of Sequences SGD Sacharomyces Genome Database SMART Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool SRPDB Signal Recognition Particle Database SRS Sequence Retrieval System. Program for biological database browsing created by T.Etzold(EMBL) SSU rRNA db small ribosomal subunit RNA database STACK Sequence Tag Alignment and Consensus Knowledgebase STKE Signal Transduction Knowledge Enivronment SeqAnalRef Sequence Analysis bibilographic reference database SRSWWW Version of the Sequence Retrieval System running in the WWW environment tcl/Tk Programing environment for the creation of graphical user interfaces TIGR MGI TIGR Mouse Gene Index TRR Thyroid Hormaone Receptor Resource Trembl ‘Translated EMBL’, a SRS-based compilation of the EMBL DNA data library URL Universal resource Locator, the unique name of a document in the WWW USENET world-wide messaging system to transport electronic bulletin boards VDRR Vitamin D Receptor Resource VMS Digital Equipment’s proprietary operating system VSNS Virtual School of Natural Sciences, a teleteaching initiative WAIS full-text database searching system, mostly used in WWW environments WDCM World Data Centre for Microorganisma WIT What is There WormPD Worm Proteome Database WPI Wisconsin Package Interface, graphical user interface to the GCG package WWW World-Wide Web, an information system to browse the international networks WWW2GCG The Belgian EMBnet Node’s system to use the GCG package via WWW YPD Yeast Protein Database |