From the Human Genome Project to Precision Medicine
August 11, 2021Genomics
The term genomic was coined to describe the newly emerging science of (genome) mapping, sequencing, and data processing. According to scientists, the human body has 10 to 20 trillion cells. Each cell is unique and acts differently, although they all follow the same basic structure. The blueprint is known as the nucleus, and the structure is known as chromosomes. They are the basic structure of DNA. Throughout the year, methods for studying DNA evolve. We can investigate DNA isolating, cloning, and even changing it in the lab. When we realised we were doing a good job reading DNA, we decided to broaden our efforts to include reading DNA from other organisms in addition to humans.
The genome is a collection of DNA from all animals, including humans. Humans have around 3 billion letters of DNA in their genome, all of which are G,T, and C. The Human Genome Project was designed to organise it sufficiently to read all 3 billion letters once and for all, and to make that fundamental information about the human blueprint available to all scientists worldwide. One of the project’s highlights was the first successful sequencing of the human genome. They organised the three billion letters that make up the reference human genome sequence. Genomic research has benefitted agriculture, ancestry, livestock, infectious agents, forensics, bioenergy, microbiome, evolution, population history, and, most importantly, health disease and medicine.
Human Genome Project and benefits in health care
The Human Genome Initiative (HGP) was an international scientific research initiative that attempted to identify and map all of the genes in the human genome on both a physical and functional basis. It was one of history’s great exploratory achievements, discovering all 50,000 to 100,000 genes contained within the genome and providing scientific instruments to analyse all of this genetic material. This large-scale project is focused on isolating and studying the genetic material contained in DNA. With the exception of physical accidents, almost all human medical illnesses are caused by changes. The Human Genome Project (HGP), which began on October 1, 1990 and ended in April 2003, gave us the opportunity to pursue nature’s completed hereditary blueprint for making a person. An accurate and full human genome sequence was finished and made available to academics and professionals in 2003, two years ahead of the original Human Genome Project plan and at a cost that was less than the first projected amount.
HGP’s three main goals are to determine the sequence of the three billion base pairs that make up human DNA, to identify all of the estimated genes in human DNA, and to record all of this information in databases. Francis Collins, an American geneticist, developed the HGP in 1990 with funding from the US Department of Energy and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Scientists from all across the world jumped on board right away.
The Human Genome Project (HGP) was an international, collaborative research endeavour aimed at mapping and understanding all human genes. The collection of all of our genes is referred to as our “genome.” It is significant because it uses DNA information to develop revolutionary approaches for treating, curing, or even preventing the hundreds of diseases that afflict humanity.
The Human Genome Project benefited biology and medicine by creating a human genome sequence, sequencing model animals, inventing high-throughput sequencing tools, and investigating the ethical and societal concerns brought by such technologies. Furthermore, HGP aided in the use of information to better understand how genomes play a role in human illnesses and expanded the analysis to better appreciate genome biology.
Furthermore, it has an impact on the discovery of many human genes, and the HGP’s final product has provided the world with a resource of detailed information about the structure, organisation, and function of the entire set of human genes, but this information can be thought of as the basic set of inheritable “instructions” for a human being’s development and function.
The worth of information is only proportional to one’s ability to use it. As a result, advanced methods for widely disseminating HGP information to scientists, doctors, and others are required to ensure the most rapid application of research findings for the benefit of humanity. The HGP specifically benefits biomedical technologies and research.
Furthermore, the benefits of the Human Genome Project will undoubtedly be felt all over the world. In the United States, spending on genomics research is estimated to exceed $45 billion by 2009. This estimated monetary worth is generated from the biotechnology industry’s sales of DNA-based products and technologies.
There are numerous human genome-related initiatives now underway. There are generalist international efforts like the Human Genome Project, regional or national projects like the 100 K Genome Project, and specialist projects like Deciphering Developmental Disorders that are focused on specific disorders (DDD).
One of the potential benefits is in the realm of molecular medicine. Improved illness diagnostics, early identification of certain diseases, gene therapy, and drug control systems could all benefit from this research. In the future, molecular medicine should develop novel medicines that address the underlying causes of illness rather than only treating the symptoms.
Another area that could benefit from the HGP is microbial genomics. This field may be able to uncover new energy sources by sequencing a bacterial genome. This has the potential to lead to advancements in energy generation, toxic waste reduction, and industrial processing. The HGP can also be utilised to learn more about human evolution and migration. It may aid scientists in understanding how humans evolved and how they are changing today. It will also help to comprehend the common biochemistry shared by all creatures on Earth. Comparing our DNA to that of others could help in the detection of diseases associated with specific characteristics. Agriculture and animal breeding are two last industries that will almost certainly profit tremendously from the HGP. This method has the potential to aid in the production of disease, insect, and drought resistant crops, allowing the world to produce more. It would also help to produce healthier, more productive, and perhaps disease-resistant animals for the market.
The human genome project was advantageous in terms of genomic medicine. The nation’s investment in the Human Genome Project (HGP) was predicated on the premise that the knowledge generated by that unparalleled research endeavour will be used to advance biology and disease understanding, as well as health. In the years since the HGP’s completion, there has been a great deal of excitement about the potential for so-called “personalised medicine” to reach the clinic. A 2011 report published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences pushed for the use of ‘precision medicine,’ in which genomes, epigenomics, environmental exposure, and other data would be used to better guide individual diagnosis. New findings require many years to be translated into patient care.
Novel procedures are being developed in certain medical specialties as a result of genomic medicine. This is a new medical speciality that involves using a person’s genomic information as part of clinical therapy, such as diagnostic or therapeutic decision making. Already, genomic medicine is having an impact in fields such as oncology, which is leading the way in embracing genomics, since diagnostics for genetic and genomic markers are increasingly being utilised in cancer screening and to drive tailored treatment strategies. It should be defined as the unique clinical elements of a patient’s presentation that indicate that this technology is likely to provide a conclusive diagnosis, allowing doctors to select whether or not to employ genomics on a given patient. The film also addressed nanopore sequencing, a novel, scalable method that enables direct, real-time analysis of long DNA or RNA segments. It monitors electrical current changes as nucleic acids pass through a protein nanopore. The decoded signal contains the precise DNA or RNA sequence. In the early 1990s, David Deamer (UC Santa Cruz) and Daniel Branton envisioned nanopore sequencing (Harvard). As we can see, technological progress can either drive or change science. For example, when the microscope was invented, it changed the entire cell of biology; when the stethoscope was invented, it changed the way of astronomical courier; and it is also believed that this sort of disturbance sequences change the way of genomics.
Around 10 years ago, cancer experts realised how beneficial it would be to begin analysing the complete sequence of tumours and looking at the most common genomic alterations that occur in different types of cancer, subtypes of cancer, and so on.
It has been transformative, and the use of genetics will continue to improve cancer care. It is a matter of how this began to supply us with insights into the genomic causes of cancer. Perhaps the researchers will reconsider from a diagnostic standpoint. Cancer histology has been a mainstay for many years. A pathologist examines the tumour from that patient and attempts to determine all they can do about the tumour, but all they can do is visualise what they observe under a microscope. We’re providing a new tool here because we can now sequence the genome of that specific tumour and create maps of the derangements. This is changing so many aspects of cancer that I can’t even tell you it’s a talk in and of itself, but needless to say, for some types of cancer to be mainstream to do genomic analyses, I believe that list will grow significantly in the coming decade, and I guarantee you that genomics will be a mainstay of oncology practise around the world by the time you guys finish medical school.
Over the last 30 years, the importance of genomics has changed and expanded far beyond the scope of genomic scientists and researchers. Today, genomics is relevant in fields such as healthcare. Over time, genomics begins to have an impact on medical problems such as cancer, and we can see how significant it is to patients and their lives. Furthermore, genomics is becoming more important in a range of settings, such as prenatal genetics testing for pregnant women and their spouses, automated medicine decisions, and so on. This illustrates that genomics is no longer just for professionals, but for society as a whole. There are no race-specific genes in humans after diving deeper into the socioeconomic ramifications of the human genome project. The genome, on the other hand, exposes an individual’s ancestral lineage, which is the result of population group movements and interbreeding. In order to accomplish this, the HGP urged biologists to consider the societal ramifications of their research. It did, in fact, set aside 5% of its budget to address the social, ethical, and legal challenges surrounding the collection and interpretation of the human genome sequence. As new societal concerns emerge, such as justice in allocating the advantages of genome sequencing, human subject protection, identity politics, and the philosophical concept of what it means to be human beings inextricably tied to the natural world, the process will continue.
Understanding the functional consequence of genomic variation has been challenging, and numerous approaches have been employed. Molecular technologies, including metabolomics (metabolites), transcriptomics (RNA), proteomics (proteins), and epigenomics, have been employed to interpret the functional consequence of genomic variations
Pharmacogenomics, a subfield of precision medicine, is the study of how genes influence an individual’s response to specific medications. This relatively new area combines pharmacology (the science of pharmaceuticals) and genomics (the study of genes and their functions) in order to generate effective, safe medications and doses suited to an individual’s genetic differences. Its application is currently fairly limited, however novel strategies are being investigated in clinical trials. Pharmacogenomics is predicted to enable the development of personalised medications to treat a wide variety of health conditions in the future, including cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, HIV/AIDS, and asthma.
P4 medicine
Predictive, preventative, personalized/precise, and participatory medicine, the new P4 approach, has significant potential for reducing the burden of chronic and silent diseases. Predictive: By combining genetic technology with other diagnostics, it will be possible to identify illness risks even before symptoms appear.In this regard, NGS enables the generation of a personalised risk report based on an individual’s genetic variant pattern. Preventive: early detection of a probable disease paves the way for new treatment options and empowers individuals to make informed lifestyle choices. The use of non-invasive cell-free DNA (cfDNA) sequence analysis, in particular, would enable the early detection of several types of cancer. Individualized/precise: knowledge of an individual’s complicated molecular and cellular processes, as well as environmental circumstances, enables a more complete explanation of anomalous functioning and the most likely source of symptoms, as well as a tailored therapy.
Personalized medicine
The terms “precision medicine” and “personalised medicine” are sometimes used interchangeably, so it’s helpful to know what they mean. Personalized medicine is a word that has the potential to be misunderstood, meaning that treatments and preventions are tailored to each individual. Precision medicine, on the other hand, focuses on identifying treatments that will work for patients based on their shared genetic, environmental, and lifestyle characteristics. Precision medicine does not imply the development of drugs or medical devices tailored to a specific patient, but rather the ability to divide people into subgroups based on their susceptibility to disease, the biology and/or prognosis of diseases they may develop, or their response to a specific treatment.
Personalized medicine is an emerging practice of medicine that uses an individual’s genetic profile to guide decisions made in regard to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease. Knowledge of a patient’s genetic profile can help doctors select the proper medication or therapy and administer it using the proper dose or regimen. Personalized medicine is being advanced through data from the Human Genome Project.
Precision Medicine which is more accurate in accounting for individual variability and individualising patient care. The majority of medical therapy is based on the expected reaction of the ordinary patient. It is envisioned that in the future, medical care would be based on individual genomic, environmental, and lifestyle variations, allowing for more precise disease prevention and treatment measures. The speaker also discusses how to carry out the future strategy. These include concentrating on genetics but, more importantly, utilising EHR for big data information, which is now widely employed in the United States. Furthermore, advancements in technology, such as mobile health sensors capable of monitoring the environment, lifestyle, and physiology, are extremely valuable nowadays. In addition, the US Department of Health and Human Services is organising this programme to develop a collection of individuals or cohorts of persons who will study and learn about precision medicine, as well as to recruit a million or more US volunteers. In the United States, they hope to make Precision Medicine a reality, and they will ensure that all previous projects, which were implemented 30 or 25 years ago, as well as future initiatives, will help them achieve their goals.
The knowledge gained through the HGPs has transformed genomics and is making its way into clinical practise. Genome sequencing and data analysis are critical components of the new precision (personalised) medicine, which provides tailored diagnosis and therapy. Furthermore, understanding of disease underlying mechanisms, awareness of environment-biology interactions, and evidence-based therapies are critical for this new type of medicine. Using all of this data, it should be feasible to chart an individual’s path from health to sickness. Pharmacogenomics, which combines pharmacology with genomics, is critical. Clinicians could counsel people to be handled securely and interpreted knowledgeably and comprehensively on lifestyle modifications when treatments may not be essential, or even to explore preventative actions when there is a high possibility of disease developing. 1 The new P4 medicine (predictive, preventative, precise, and participatory) will necessitate new norms and procedures for dealing with biological and health care information about persons. Genomes may contain information that people desire to keep private, and forecasts of future health status present complicated considerations regarding how much people want to know and how much they want others to know.
Every day, the number of human genomes sequenced increases: from the general genomes of many ethnic groups to the specific genomes of patients with various disorders, and even genomes from distinct cell types (cancer versus normal) in the same individual. All of this data must be saved and processed efficiently and securely, and then used for human benefit. Precision medicine, and more broadly P4 medicine, are novel concepts based on genome sequencing that will be adopted into our health systems in the near future. Projects in human genomics and precision medicine provides tremendous health and well-being benefits.
1.Carrasco-Ramiro, F., Peiró-Pastor, R., & Aguado, B. (2017). Human genomics projects and precision medicine. Gene therapy, 24(9), 551-561.
2.Ashley, E. A. (2016). Towards precision medicine. Nature Reviews Genetics, 17(9), 507-522.