
How Deep Learning is Revolutionizing Omics?

May 16, 2023 Off By admin

Introduction to Omics
The present discourse aims to provide an introductory overview of Omics, a field of study that encompasses various disciplines such as genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and transcriptomics. Omics is a multidisciplinary field of biology that employs an integrative approach to study complex biological systems by amalgamating data from various sources. The utilisation of omics technologies has been observed in the examination of various biological systems such as the genome, transcriptome, proteome, metabolome, lipidome, and glycome. The field of Omics is concerned with conducting a thorough examination of biological molecules or constituents present in an organism, tissue, or cell. The process entails the amalgamation of diverse scientific fields, such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and other associated disciplines. The term “omics” is etymologically derived from the word “genomics”, which pertains to the comprehensive investigation of an organism’s entire genetic makeup.

The various omics disciplines concentrate on distinct categories of molecules present in biological systems and strive to furnish a thorough comprehension of their configuration, operation, and interrelationships within a biological milieu.

The following is a concise overview of several prominent omics disciplines:


The field of genomics pertains to the comprehensive examination of an organism’s complete genome, which encompasses the entirety of its genes and their arrangement. This study delves into the DNA sequences, genetic variations, and their impact on characteristics, illnesses, and the process of evolution.
Transcriptomics is a field of study that involves the comprehensive analysis of all RNA transcripts, specifically messenger RNA (mRNA), that are generated by the genes present in a particular organism, tissue, or cell. Comprehending gene expression patterns, alternative splicing occurrences, and regulatory mechanisms is beneficial.

Proteomics is a scientific discipline that centres on the comprehensive investigation of all proteins that are expressed within an organism, tissue, or cell. The objective is to discern, describe, and measure proteins, comprehend their roles, associations, and alterations after translation.


Metabolomics is a scientific discipline that involves the comprehensive investigation of metabolites, which are small molecules found in an organism, tissue, or cell. The aforementioned elucidates the metabolic pathways, biochemical reactions, and cellular metabolism holistically.


Epigenomics is a field of study that explores the heritable alterations to DNA and histones that have the potential to impact gene expression without causing any changes to the fundamental DNA sequence. This study delves into the mechanisms of gene regulation and cellular differentiation through the examination of DNA methylation, histone modifications, and non-coding RNA molecules.

The utilisation of high-throughput techniques, such as DNA sequencing, microarrays, mass spectrometry, and bioinformatics tools for data analysis and interpretation, is commonly employed in omics approaches. The amalgamation of data from various omics domains can furnish a more all-encompassing comprehension of biological systems, thereby resulting in advancements in customised medical treatments, disease identification, pharmaceutical exploration, and agricultural investigations. In general, the omics disciplines are of paramount importance in propelling our comprehension of intricate interactions within biological systems and their ramifications for the well-being of organisms, illnesses, and the ecosystem.

What is Deep Learning?

Deep Learning refers to a subfield of machine learning that involves the use of artificial neural networks with multiple layers to model and solve complex problems.
Deep learning is a subfield of machine learning that employs artificial neural networks to acquire knowledge from data. Deep learning models are trained using extensive datasets that have been labelled, enabling them to acquire the ability to recognise intricate patterns within the data. Deep learning is a specialised area within the broader field of machine learning, which centres on the creation and utilisation of artificial neural networks featuring multiple layers, commonly referred to as deep neural networks. The hierarchical processing of information in the human brain has served as inspiration for the structure and function of this particular concept.

Deep learning models are typically comprised of layers of artificial neurons that are interconnected, commonly referred to as nodes or units, within neural networks. Every layer in the neural network is responsible for accepting input from the preceding layer, executing a set of mathematical computations on the input, and generating an output that is subsequently transmitted to the subsequent layer. The interstitial strata that exist between the input and output layers are commonly referred to as hidden layers in the context of neural networks.

The primary benefit of deep learning lies in its capacity to autonomously acquire and derive sophisticated representations or features from unprocessed data. Through the process of layering, deep neural networks are capable of acquiring progressively more intricate representations of the input data. The process of hierarchical feature extraction enables deep learning models to effectively manage intricate patterns and relationships within data, rendering them highly proficient in a variety of domains, including but not limited to image and speech recognition, as well as natural language processing.

The process of training deep learning models encompasses the utilisation of backpropagation, which facilitates the learning of the model from labelled training examples. The network’s weights and biases undergo iterative adjustments through the computation of errors derived from the disparity between predicted outputs and actual labels. The objective of this training procedure is to reduce the margin of error and enhance the model’s capacity to extrapolate to novel data. Deep learning has exhibited exceptional accomplishments in diverse domains, such as computer vision, speech recognition, natural language processing, recommender systems, and scientific research. The advancement of technology has led to a notable enhancement in the performance of various intricate tasks, thereby transforming industries and facilitating progress in domains such as autonomous vehicles, medical diagnostics, and customised recommendations.

Application of Deep Learning in Omics field

The application of deep learning techniques in omics is a topic of current interest in the scientific community. The technique of deep learning has exhibited significant prowess in the domain of omics, which encompasses a diverse range of disciplines including genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and transcriptomics.

The application of deep learning in the field of omics is multifaceted and encompasses various domains.
The field of genomics has witnessed the utilisation of deep learning techniques for a range of tasks such as DNA sequence analysis, gene expression prediction, variant calling, and genomic annotation. The utilisation of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) has been observed to facilitate the extraction of pertinent features from DNA sequences, thereby enabling the accomplishment of tasks such as the identification of regulatory elements or the prediction of the impact of genetic variations. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are a type of neural network architecture that is commonly employed for tasks that involve sequential data, such as the analysis of gene expression time series.

The field of proteomics has seen the application of deep learning techniques in various areas such as protein structure prediction, protein-protein interaction prediction, and protein function annotation. Deep learning architectures have the capacity to acquire intricate representations of protein sequences and structures, thereby facilitating the prediction of their functionalities and interactions. Generative models, specifically the generative adversarial networks (GANs), have been employed in the creation of new protein sequences that exhibit specific characteristics.

The application of deep learning techniques is employed in the examination of transcriptomic information, including RNA-Seq data. This technology facilitates various computational tasks such as estimation of gene expression, detection of alternative splicing, and identification of non-coding RNAs. The utilisation of deep neural networks enables the identification of patterns and regulatory relationships within gene expression data by capturing the hierarchical dependencies present within the data.

The utilisation of deep learning techniques has been implemented in the analysis of metabolomic data, a field of study that concerns the investigation of minute molecules within biological systems. Deep learning algorithms have the ability to acquire complex representations of metabolite profiles and detect patterns that are linked to drug responses or diseases. In addition, it is possible to make predictions regarding the activity of metabolic pathways and deduce absent metabolite data.
The integration of multiple omics data sets.

Multi-omics integration
Deep learning methodologies are employed to amalgamate information from diverse omics strata, including genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics. This facilitates a more thorough comprehension of intricate biological mechanisms and pathological conditions. Deep learning models have the capability to acquire integrated representations of multi-omics data, which can be advantageous in various applications such as disease subtype classification, biomarker identification, and drug response prognosis. In general, the utilisation of deep learning in omics possesses the capability to reveal innovative discoveries, improve data examination, and expedite personalised medicine methodologies through the utilisation of neural networks to simulate and comprehend intricate biological data.

Here are some examples of how deep learning is being used in omics

The application of deep learning techniques has been widely utilised across multiple omics domains, leading to a transformative impact on data analysis and yielding significant insights.

The application of deep learning techniques in various omics fields is exemplified as follows:

In the field of genomics, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are employed for various tasks, including but not limited to DNA sequence classification, variant calling, and identification of regulatory elements, through the utilisation of deep learning models.

The interpretation of genomic variants can be facilitated through the use of deep learning models, which have the ability to predict the impact of these variants on protein structure, gene expression, and disease association.
The integration of genomic data is a crucial aspect of modern research. Deep learning algorithms have been developed to effectively integrate diverse genomic data types, such as gene expression, DNA methylation, and chromatin accessibility. This integration enables the identification of complex relationships and patterns within the data.

Transcriptomics involves the study of gene expression, which can be analysed using deep learning models to predict gene expression levels, identify co-expression patterns, and classify samples based on gene expression profiles obtained from RNA-seq data.

The utilisation of deep learning techniques has been observed to enable the prediction of alternative splicing events from RNA-seq data, thereby facilitating the identification of previously unknown splicing patterns.
The utilisation of deep learning models in single-cell transcriptomics facilitates the examination of high-dimensional single-cell RNA-seq data, thereby enabling the identification of cell types, inference of developmental trajectories, and discovery of rare cell populations.

In the field of proteomics, the use of deep learning models such as deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) has resulted in enhanced precision of protein structure prediction techniques.
The prediction of protein-protein interactions can be facilitated through the use of deep learning algorithms, which can analyse protein sequence or structural data. This approach can provide valuable insights into intricate biological networks.
The prognostication of post-translational modifications, such as phosphorylation and acetylation, from protein sequence or mass spectrometry data can be achieved through the utilisation of deep learning models.

The field of metabolomics employs deep learning methodologies, such as deep neural networks (DNNs) and generative adversarial networks (GANs), to facilitate the identification and annotation of metabolites in mass spectrometry-derived data.
The integration of metabolomics data with other omics data through deep learning models enables the reconstruction of metabolic pathways, the prediction of metabolic fluxes, and the identification of metabolic biomarkers in metabolic pathway analysis.
The aforementioned instances serve to underscore the substantial progress that has been made in omics research as a result of the significant strides made in deep learning, which has furnished researchers with potent instruments for data analysis, prognostic modelling, and the revelation of intricate biological interconnections.

The Future of Deep Learning in Omics

The field of deep learning is currently experiencing rapid growth and is anticipated to have a significant influence on the field of omics in the foreseeable future. The application of deep learning in omics has already proven to be efficacious in addressing a diverse range of issues, and it is anticipated that its utilisation will expand to encompass a broader spectrum of challenges in the times ahead.
The utilisation of deep learning presents a formidable instrumentality that holds the capacity to transform the field of omics. Through the application of deep learning, scholars can acquire a more profound comprehension of biological phenomena and devise novel approaches for the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses.

The potential of deep learning in the field of omics, encompassing the analysis of vast biological datasets including genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, is highly auspicious.

The potential of deep learning methods in the analysis and extraction of significant patterns from omics data has been demonstrated, and continued progress in this area is expected to further augment their efficacy.

The following are essential factors to contemplate

Deep learning models demonstrate exceptional proficiency in autonomously acquiring intricate depictions from unprocessed data. In the field of omics, deep learning algorithms have the ability to capture complex interrelationships among various biomolecules such as genes, proteins, and metabolites. This can result in improved predictive capabilities and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Advanced predictive models can be developed for diverse omics applications by leveraging deep learning algorithms to enhance accuracy. One potential application of these tools is in the prediction of various biological phenomena, such as gene functions, protein-protein interactions, disease phenotypes, drug responses, and clinical outcomes. The utilisation of deep learning methodologies enables the extraction of intricate and thorough patterns from omics data, resulting in enhanced predictive capabilities.

The integration of multi-omics data is a common practise in which data from various sources and modalities, including genomics and transcriptomics, are combined. The utilisation of deep learning methodologies can aid in the amalgamation of heterogeneous omics datasets, thereby enabling a comprehensive comprehension of biological systems. The integration of various omics data types enables the identification of intricate interrelationships and interdependencies that may remain undetected when examining each type independently.

The absence of interpretability in deep learning models poses a significant challenge, as it renders the reasoning behind their predictions difficult to comprehend. Nevertheless, endeavours are currently underway to enhance the comprehensibility of deep learning models in the field of omics research. The utilisation of attention mechanisms and neural network visualisation techniques can aid in the identification of significant features and biomarkers that contribute to predictions, thereby enhancing their interpretability and reliability.

The utilisation of transfer learning and pre-training techniques in machine learning has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. The process of pre-training deep learning models on extensive datasets has the potential to generate significant insights that can be applied to particular omics-related assignments. The utilisation of pre-trained models enables researchers to surmount the obstacles linked with restricted labelled omics data and enhance the efficacy of subsequent tasks, such as drug discovery or disease classification.

The efficacy of deep learning in omics is significantly dependent on the quality and standardisation of data. It is imperative to undertake measures aimed at enhancing the quality of data, minimising noise, and mitigating batch effects in order to guarantee dependable and replicable outcomes. Moreover, the establishment of uniform formats and ontologies can promote the exchange, amalgamation, and cooperation of data among diverse omics fields.

The utilisation of deep learning models can facilitate instantaneous analysis of omics data, a vital component for precision medicine and related applications. Deep learning algorithms have the potential to aid in personalised diagnosis, treatment selection, and disease progression monitoring by swiftly analysing a patient’s omics profile, which encompasses genetic variations and expression patterns.

It is noteworthy that although deep learning has exhibited remarkable potential, it is not a universally applicable remedy for omics research. The field will rely on various machine learning techniques and statistical methods, while interdisciplinary collaborations among biologists, statisticians, and computer scientists will be imperative for its progress.

