microarray analysis

Step-by-Step Guide: Converting Affymetrix Probes to Gene IDs Using R and BioConductor

December 28, 2024 Off By admin

Converting Affymetrix probes to gene IDs is an essential step in analyzing gene expression data derived from Affymetrix microarrays. It enables researchers to map probe IDs (specific to the Affymetrix platform) to gene symbols, gene names, or Entrez IDs, which are more meaningful in terms of biological interpretation. This process is particularly useful for downstream analysis, including pathway enrichment, gene expression analysis, and functional annotation.

Why is this Important?

  • Standardization: Affymetrix probes are platform-specific, so conversion to standard gene identifiers such as Entrez IDs or gene symbols allows for better integration with other databases and tools.
  • Gene Annotation: Mapping probes to known genes helps in understanding which genes are being measured, facilitating functional analysis.
  • Data Integration: Using common gene identifiers allows combining data from different studies or platforms for meta-analysis or cross-platform comparison.

Overview of Methods for Conversion

There are several ways to convert Affymetrix probes to gene identifiers. The most common methods involve using R, BioConductor packages, or web-based tools. We’ll focus on a manual method using R, which is both reproducible and scalable.

Step-by-Step Guide: Converting Affymetrix Probes to Gene IDs Using R and BioConductor


  1. R (version 3.x or higher): Ensure that you have R installed on your system.
  2. BioConductor: BioConductor is a collection of R packages for bioinformatics and computational biology. You’ll need packages like AnnotationDbi and the specific chip annotation package (e.g., hgu133a.db, hgu95av2.db, etc.).

Step 1: Install and Load Required R Packages

First, install BioConductor and the necessary annotation package. These packages enable you to map Affymetrix probes to gene IDs.

# Install BioConductor if not already installed

# Install the specific chip annotation package (for human data, use hgu133a.db as an example)
BiocManager::install("hgu133a.db") # Replace with your specific chip if using a different one

# Load necessary libraries
library(hgu133a.db) # Change this to your chip-specific package

Step 2: Load Your Data

Next, load the Affymetrix probe IDs that you want to convert into gene IDs. These probe IDs are typically found in the expression matrix or metadata from your microarray data.

# Assuming you have a list of probe IDs (e.g., from the ExpressionSet or raw data)
probe_ids <- c("1007_s_at", "1053_at") # Example Affymetrix probe IDs

Step 3: Perform the Conversion

You can use the select() function from AnnotationDbi to map probe IDs to gene identifiers. Common fields you can map to include SYMBOL (gene symbol), ENTREZID (Entrez gene ID), and GENENAME (gene name).

# Convert probe IDs to gene symbols, Entrez IDs, and gene names
gene_info <- select(hgu133a.db, keys=probe_ids, columns=c("SYMBOL", "ENTREZID", "GENENAME"), keytype="PROBEID")

# View the output

This will give you a table with the corresponding gene symbols, Entrez IDs, and gene names for each probe.

Step 4: Handle Duplicated IDs

In some cases, one probe ID may map to multiple gene IDs, especially when probes are targeting multiple isoforms or similar genes. You can handle this by:

  • Taking the first match: Select one representative gene ID for each probe.
  • Averaging: If the probe maps to multiple gene IDs, you can aggregate the data (e.g., by averaging gene expression values).

Here’s an example of how to handle multiple mappings by taking the first match:

# Remove duplicate rows if there are multiple gene mappings for a single probe
gene_info_unique <- gene_info[!duplicated(gene_info$PROBEID), ]

# View the cleaned-up output

Step 5: Saving the Results

Once the conversion is complete, you can save the results as a CSV file for further analysis.

# Save the result to a CSV file
write.csv(gene_info_unique, "converted_gene_ids.csv", row.names=FALSE)

Additional Methods and Tools

  • BiomaRt: Another popular method for gene ID conversion is using the biomaRt package, which interfaces with the Ensembl database. This allows querying multiple gene identifiers and provides flexible options for conversion.

    Example with biomaRt:

    ensembl <- useMart("ensembl", dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
    affy_ensembl <- c("affy_hg_u133_plus_2", "ensembl_gene_id")
    gene_info_biomart <- getBM(attributes=affy_ensembl, mart=ensembl, values=probe_ids, uniqueRows=TRUE)
  • Thermo Fisher Website: For large datasets, you can visit the Thermo Fisher website to download gene annotations for Affymetrix probes directly.
  • Brainarray CDF Files: Using Brainarray’s custom CDF files is another option, which helps in more accurate probe-to-gene mapping for specific Affymetrix platforms.

Best Practices

  • Gene Mapping Quality: Make sure to check the mapping results, especially for probes that map to multiple genes or those with no matches.
  • Documentation: Always document the method and tools used for conversion, including the versions of R, BioConductor, and annotation packages, for reproducibility.


Converting Affymetrix probes to gene IDs is a crucial step in microarray data analysis. Using tools like BioConductor in R, along with packages such as AnnotationDbi and biomaRt, allows you to efficiently map probe IDs to standardized gene identifiers. This process improves the interpretability and integration of gene expression data, facilitating further biological analysis.
