Omics data analysis

Step-by-Step Guide to Convert SAM to BAM

December 28, 2024 Off By admin

Converting SAM (Sequence Alignment/Map) files to BAM (Binary Alignment/Map) format is a crucial task in bioinformatics, particularly in next-generation sequencing (NGS) data analysis. This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of converting SAM files to BAM files, explain why it’s important, and highlight potential challenges.

1. What is SAM and BAM?

  • SAM (Sequence Alignment/Map) is a human-readable format used for storing nucleotide sequence alignments, which contain information about the sequence, reference genome, and alignment quality.
  • BAM (Binary Alignment/Map) is the binary version of SAM. It stores the same information but is more compact and efficient for storage and faster to process by bioinformatics tools.

Why Convert SAM to BAM?

  1. Space Efficiency: BAM files are much smaller in size compared to SAM files, making them easier to store and manage, especially when dealing with large datasets.
  2. Performance: Many tools in bioinformatics (such as samtools, bedtools, etc.) work more efficiently with BAM files since they can process binary data faster than human-readable text files.
  3. Standard Format: BAM is the preferred format for many downstream analysis tools and databases, as it is more compact and standardized.

Step-by-Step Guide to Convert SAM to BAM


You need to have samtools installed. samtools is a widely used toolset for working with SAM/BAM files. If you don’t have samtools installed, you can install it on a Unix-based system using:

sudo apt-get install samtools # Ubuntu/Debian
brew install samtools # macOS with Homebrew

Step 1: Verify Your SAM File

Before converting your SAM file, ensure that it is correctly formatted and does not contain any errors. SAM files often contain headers (lines starting with @), followed by alignment records. The header usually includes information about the reference genome, sequence length, etc.

Example header in your SAM file:

@SQ SN:2L AS:FlyBase r5 LN:23011544 SP:Drosophila melanogaster
@SQ SN:2LHet AS:FlyBase r5 LN:368872 SP:Drosophila melanogaster

The alignment records follow the headers:


Step 2: Convert SAM to BAM

To convert your SAM file to BAM format using samtools, use the following command:

samtools view -bS -o file.bam file.sam


  • samtools view: This command is used for viewing or converting SAM/BAM files.
  • -bS: This flag tells samtools to convert from SAM to BAM format.
  • -o file.bam: This specifies the output file in BAM format.
  • file.sam: The input SAM file.

Alternatively, you can use the > operator for redirection:

samtools view -bS file.sam > file.bam

This command achieves the same result, but the -o option is more explicit and preferred for clarity.

Step 3: Check BAM File

Once the conversion is completed, it’s essential to check if the BAM file was created successfully. You can do this by running the following command to view the header of the BAM file:

samtools view -H file.bam

This should display the header information of the BAM file, confirming that it was successfully created.

Step 4: Sort BAM File (Optional)

In many cases, you might need to sort the BAM file to prepare it for downstream analysis (e.g., variant calling). You can sort the BAM file using the following command:

samtools sort file.bam -o file_sorted.bam


  • samtools sort: This command sorts the BAM file.
  • file.bam: The input BAM file.
  • -o file_sorted.bam: The output sorted BAM file.

Step 5: Index the BAM File (Optional)

For efficient querying of BAM files, especially for variant calling or visualizing alignment data, it is common to index the BAM file. Use the following command to index the sorted BAM file:

samtools index file_sorted.bam

This will create an index file (file_sorted.bam.bai), which allows tools like IGV (Integrative Genomics Viewer) to quickly retrieve alignment data.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  1. File Permissions: If you’re running into issues like “permission denied,” ensure that you have the appropriate file permissions. For example, if you’re running the command as a root user, make sure the output directory is writable.

    You can change permissions using:

    sudo chmod u+w directory_path
  2. Samtools Errors: If you encounter errors during the conversion (e.g., “Error: input is not a valid SAM file”), make sure your SAM file is correctly formatted. You can validate SAM files with:
    samtools view -c file.sam
  3. Memory Issues: Converting large SAM files to BAM can sometimes require substantial memory. If you encounter memory issues, try converting smaller chunks of the file or using a machine with more memory.
  4. Intermediate Files During Sorting: When using samtools sort, it might create several intermediate files that it merges during the sorting process. Ensure that these temporary files are not deleted before the sorting process finishes.


The process of converting SAM to BAM is an essential step in the NGS data analysis pipeline. By using samtools, you can efficiently convert large, human-readable SAM files into more compact and performant BAM files. This conversion reduces file size, speeds up downstream analysis, and is essential for storing sequence alignment data in a standardized format.

By following this guide, even beginners with a basic understanding of bioinformatics can successfully convert SAM files to BAM files and prepare them for further analysis.
