
Step-by-Step Guide: Understanding STAR, Kallisto, and Salmon in RNA-Seq Data Analysis

December 29, 2024 Off By admin

RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) is a powerful technique for studying gene expression. To analyze RNA-Seq data, bioinformaticians use tools like STAR, Kallisto, and Salmon. These tools serve different purposes and use distinct methodologies. Here’s a detailed guide to help experimental biologists or beginners understand their differences, applications, and limitations.

1. Why Are These Tools Important?

RNA-Seq generates millions of short reads from RNA molecules. The main goals in RNA-Seq data analysis include:

  • Mapping/Aligning reads to a reference genome or transcriptome.
  • Quantifying gene or transcript expression levels.

Key Tools:

  1. STAR: A spliced aligner focusing on mapping reads to a reference genome.
  2. Kallisto: A pseudoaligner designed for fast and memory-efficient transcript quantification.
  3. Salmon: A quantifier using a mix of pseudoalignment and selective-alignment techniques.

2. Differences Between STAR, Kallisto, and Salmon

Type of ToolAlignerQuantifier (pseudoaligner)Quantifier (selective aligner)
Primary OutputBAM file (aligned reads)Transcript expression levelsTranscript expression levels
SpeedSlower due to base-by-base alignmentVery fastFast
Memory UsageHighLowModerate
Transcript-Level QuantificationRequires additional tools (e.g., RSEM)Built-inBuilt-in
Genome-Level AnalysisYes (e.g., variant calling, new splice forms)NoNo
Statistical ModelsNoneUses statistical models for quantificationUses advanced statistical models
AccuracyBase-level precisionHigh for isoform-level quantificationHigh for isoform-level quantification

3. Applications

  1. STAR:
    • Genome Alignment: Mapping reads to a reference genome.
    • Splice Variant Detection: Identifying novel splicing events.
    • Transcript Assembly: Feeding alignments into transcript assembly tools.
    • Use Case: When precision mapping at the base level is crucial.
  2. Kallisto:
    • Transcript Quantification: Estimating transcript abundance directly.
    • Speed & Resource Efficiency: Useful for large datasets or when computational resources are limited.
    • Use Case: High-throughput projects requiring quick isoform quantification.
  3. Salmon:
    • Transcript Quantification: Similar to Kallisto but with enhanced algorithms.
    • Selective Alignment: Balances speed and alignment accuracy.
    • Use Case: Isoform quantification with additional support for complex statistical inference.

4. Pros and Cons



  • Accurate alignment at the nucleotide level.
  • Useful for finding new splice variants and structural variants.
  • Generates BAM files for downstream visualizations (e.g., IGV).


  • Computationally intensive (requires more time and memory).
  • Requires additional tools for transcript quantification.



  • Extremely fast and resource-efficient.
  • Directly outputs transcript abundance.
  • Suitable for isoform-level quantification.


  • Pseudoalignment limits its use to known transcriptomes.
  • Accuracy depends on the completeness of the input transcript annotation.



  • Balances speed and accuracy.
  • Selective-alignment method improves quantification reliability.
  • Robust handling of multi-mapped reads.


  • Like Kallisto, limited to transcript-level analysis.
  • May require more memory than Kallisto.

5. Which Tool to Use?

Choosing STAR:

  • When working with novel organisms or annotating new transcripts.
  • When you need detailed genomic insights (e.g., splice variants, structural variants).

Choosing Kallisto:

  • When you have limited computational resources.
  • For quick quantification of known transcripts.

Choosing Salmon:

  • When you need a balance between speed and alignment accuracy.
  • For robust quantification with enhanced statistical inference.

6. Example Workflow

Using STAR for Alignment:

# Index the genome
STAR --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir genome_index --genomeFastaFiles genome.fa --sjdbGTFfile annotation.gtf

# Align reads
STAR --runThreadN 8 --genomeDir genome_index --readFilesIn reads_1.fq reads_2.fq --outFileNamePrefix sample1_

Using Kallisto for Quantification:

# Index the transcriptome
kallisto index -i transcriptome.idx transcriptome.fa

# Quantify transcript abundance
kallisto quant -i transcriptome.idx -o output_folder -b 100 reads_1.fq reads_2.fq

Using Salmon for Quantification:

# Index the transcriptome
salmon index -t transcriptome.fa -i salmon_index --type quasi

# Quantify transcript abundance
salmon quant -i salmon_index -l A -1 reads_1.fq -2 reads_2.fq -p 8 -o output_folder

7. Conclusion

Each tool has unique strengths:

  • STAR is ideal for precise genome-level analysis.
  • Kallisto and Salmon are optimized for speed and efficiency in transcript-level quantification.

Choosing the right tool depends on your research goals and computational resources. For most routine RNA-Seq experiments, Kallisto or Salmon may suffice, while STAR is essential for detailed genome investigations.
