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A Submitter’s Guide to GenBank

December 3, 2024 Off By admin

This guide introduces the basics of using BankIt, a web-based submission tool provided by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), for submitting nucleotide sequence data to the GenBank® database.This tutorial focuses on small-scale submissions involving one or a few nucleotide sequences that include multiple features for each sequence.

The session demonstrates how to effectively use BankIt file inputs to complete submissions, highlighting the creation and utilization of Feature Table files to annotate sequence data. By maintaining a fundamental approach, this guide ensures accessibility for users new to the process, providing step-by-step instructions and practical tips to simplify sequence submissions to GenBank. Whether you are a researcher submitting sequence data for the first time or looking for a refresher on using BankIt, this guide offers a clear and concise pathway to success.

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