Automated Bioinformatics Analysis: A Comprehensive Bash Script Pipeline for Protein Analysis
September 26, 2023A comprehensive bash script that does all of these tasks is quite extensive and complex, requiring integration of various bioinformatics tools and proper error checking and handling. Below is a high-level step-by-step outline, but consider it a draft that will likely need adjustments, additional error checks, and optimizations.
- Linux Environment
- BLAST+ – For performing blastp search
- Clustal Omega – For multiple sequence alignment
- MEME Suite – For motif search
- HMMER – For domain search
- PhyML or RAxML – For phylogenetic analysis
- DSSP – For secondary structure analysis
- Modeller – For homology modelling
- AutoDock Vina – For docking
- GROMACS – For molecular dynamics simulation
Step 1: Start Bash Script
Step 2: Download Protein Sequence
Step 3: BLASTP Search
# Perform blastp search
blastp -query ${protein_id}.fasta -db nr -outfmt 6 -max_target_seqs 10 -out ${protein_id}_blast_results.txt
Step 4: Get Top 10 Best Hits
# Extract the IDs of the top 10 best hits
awk '{print $2}' ${protein_id}_blast_results.txt | while read line; do
efetch -id $line -format fasta >> ${protein_id}_top_hits.fasta
Step 5: Compile Multiple Alignment
# Combine your sequence with the top 10 best hits
cat ${protein_id}.fasta ${protein_id}_top_hits.fasta > ${protein_id}_all.fasta# Perform multiple sequence alignment using Clustal Omega
clustalo -i ${protein_id}_all.fasta -o ${protein_id}_aligned.fasta
Step 6: Motif and Domain Search
# Perform motif search using MEME Suite
meme ${protein_id}_aligned.fasta -oc ${protein_id}_meme_out# Perform domain search using HMMER
hmmscan --tblout ${protein_id}_domains.txt Pfam-A.hmm ${protein_id}_aligned.fasta
Step 7: Alignment for Phylogenetic Analysis
# Create a phylogenetic tree using PhyML or RAxML
raxmlHPC -f a -m PROTCATJTT -p 12345 -x 12345 -# 100 -s ${protein_id}_aligned.fasta -n ${protein_id}_tree
Step 8: Secondary Structure Analysis
# Predict secondary structure using DSSP
dssp ${protein_id}_aligned.fasta -o ${protein_id}_dssp_out.txt
Step 9: Homology Modelling
# Here you would typically use Modeller Python API.
# Prepare the Python script and call it using bash.
python3 run_modeller.py ${protein_id}
Step 10: Docking
# Prepare the docking input and configuration files and run AutoDock Vina
vina --config config.txt --ligand ligand.pdbqt --out ${protein_id}_vina_out.pdbqt
Step 11: MD Simulation using GROMACS
# Prepare the system
gmx pdb2gmx -f ${protein_id}_model.pdb -o ${protein_id}_processed.gro# ... other GROMACS steps here...
# Run the simulation
gmx mdrun -v -deffnm ${protein_id}_simulation
- The code snippets provided are merely illustrative, you would likely need to modify them according to the exact requirements, file formats, and specifications.
- You would also need to install and properly configure each of the tools used.
- The input and output file names should be adjusted according to the actual file names you are working with.
- Always consult the respective manuals/documentation of each tool for the correct usage and options.