bioinformatics software

Automated Bioinformatics Analysis: A Comprehensive Bash Script Pipeline for Protein Analysis

September 26, 2023 Off By admin

A comprehensive bash script that does all of these tasks is quite extensive and complex, requiring integration of various bioinformatics tools and proper error checking and handling. Below is a high-level step-by-step outline, but consider it a draft that will likely need adjustments, additional error checks, and optimizations.


  1. Linux Environment
  2. BLAST+ – For performing blastp search
  3. Clustal Omega – For multiple sequence alignment
  4. MEME Suite – For motif search
  5. HMMER – For domain search
  6. PhyML or RAxML – For phylogenetic analysis
  7. DSSP – For secondary structure analysis
  8. Modeller – For homology modelling
  9. AutoDock Vina – For docking
  10. GROMACS – For molecular dynamics simulation

Step 1: Start Bash Script


Step 2: Download Protein Sequence

# Define the protein sequence ID from NCBI

# Download the protein sequence in fasta format
wget "${protein_id}?report=fasta&log$=seqview&format=text" -O ${protein_id}.fasta

Step 3: BLASTP Search

# Perform blastp search
blastp -query ${protein_id}.fasta -db nr -outfmt 6 -max_target_seqs 10 -out ${protein_id}_blast_results.txt

Step 4: Get Top 10 Best Hits

# Extract the IDs of the top 10 best hits
awk '{print $2}' ${protein_id}_blast_results.txt | while read line; do
efetch -id $line -format fasta >> ${protein_id}_top_hits.fasta

Step 5: Compile Multiple Alignment

# Combine your sequence with the top 10 best hits
cat ${protein_id}.fasta ${protein_id}_top_hits.fasta > ${protein_id}_all.fasta

# Perform multiple sequence alignment using Clustal Omega
clustalo -i ${protein_id}_all.fasta -o ${protein_id}_aligned.fasta

Step 6: Motif and Domain Search

# Perform motif search using MEME Suite
meme ${protein_id}_aligned.fasta -oc ${protein_id}_meme_out

# Perform domain search using HMMER
hmmscan --tblout ${protein_id}_domains.txt Pfam-A.hmm ${protein_id}_aligned.fasta

Step 7: Alignment for Phylogenetic Analysis

# Create a phylogenetic tree using PhyML or RAxML
raxmlHPC -f a -m PROTCATJTT -p 12345 -x 12345 -# 100 -s ${protein_id}_aligned.fasta -n ${protein_id}_tree

Step 8: Secondary Structure Analysis

# Predict secondary structure using DSSP
dssp ${protein_id}_aligned.fasta -o ${protein_id}_dssp_out.txt

Step 9: Homology Modelling

# Here you would typically use Modeller Python API.
# Prepare the Python script and call it using bash.
python3 ${protein_id}

Step 10: Docking

# Prepare the docking input and configuration files and run AutoDock Vina
vina --config config.txt --ligand ligand.pdbqt --out ${protein_id}_vina_out.pdbqt

Step 11: MD Simulation using GROMACS

# Prepare the system
gmx pdb2gmx -f ${protein_id}_model.pdb -o ${protein_id}_processed.gro

# ... other GROMACS steps here...

# Run the simulation
gmx mdrun -v -deffnm ${protein_id}_simulation


  • The code snippets provided are merely illustrative, you would likely need to modify them according to the exact requirements, file formats, and specifications.
  • You would also need to install and properly configure each of the tools used.
  • The input and output file names should be adjusted according to the actual file names you are working with.
  • Always consult the respective manuals/documentation of each tool for the correct usage and options.