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Bioinformatics courses in Europe

November 16, 2018 Off By admin

Bioinformatics courses in Europe


bioinformatics option is offered as part of degree courses at the Graz University of Technology (Technische Universität Graz) in Graz, Austria.


A consortium including nearly all the French-speaking universities of Belgium (BruxellesLiègeLouvainMonsNamur and Gembloux) is offering the “Inter-University DEA/DES (Master) in Bioinformatics“.

Czech Republic

Masaryk University in Brno (faculty of informatics) offers Bioinfromatics courses at both bachelors (Ba.) and masters (Mgr.) levels in Czech language.


The Bioinformatics Centre at The University of Copenhagen offers a two-year masters program in bioinformatics.



The Université Paris VII offers a Master Recherche: Biologie-Informatique.


Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (B-IT) is offering a new English-language Master’s programme in Life Science Informatics. The B-IT is a joint venture between the University of Bonnthe RWTH Aachen Universitythe University of Applied Sciences Bonn Rhein-Sieg, and Fraunhofer Institutszentrum Birlinghoven Castle (IZB).
At the Free University Berlin you can get both a bachelor and master degree in bioinformatics.
You can do a PhD in bioinformatics in the Department of Computational Molecular Biology at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics.
The Universität Tübingen (University of Tübingen) also offers Bioinformatik. Here are their own Frequently Asked Questions (in German only) about studying bioinformatics there.


The National University of Ireland Maynooth set up a four-year Bachelor’s course in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics two years ago.
University College Dublin offers a 4-year PhD program in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology. This program encourages a mix of wet-lab and programming work, as well as an industrial placement scheme to promote experience outside the university setting.


The University of Bologna offers an International Master degree in Bioinformatics. A joint programme with the University Pompeu Fabra and the University of Barcelona in Barcelona is also available to obtain a double title in Bioinformatics and Bioinformatics for the Health Science.
The University of Genoa offers bioinformatics courses into the BSc and MSc in computer science and in physics.

Netherlands (Holland)

The Centre for Molecular and Biomolecular Informatics (CMBI) at the University of Nijmegen offers a Master’s degree in bioinformatics. This is a one or two year course leading to a degree with the formal title of “Master in Life Sciences”, but the subtitle “Bioinformatics”.


The Institutt for informatikk (Department of Informatics) of the University of Bergen, Norway offers a Master’s degree in bioinformatics.


The Faculty of Informatics of the Poznan University of Technology jointly with Faculty of Biology of the Adam Mickiewicz University offers intercollegiate Bioinfromatics courses at both bachelors (Ba.) and masters (Mgr) levels in Polish language.


Escola Superior de Biotecnologia (ESB) teaches a bioinformatics programme [follow the link labelled “Bioinformática”] in both Lisbon and Oporto. The teaching institution is the Universidade Católica do Porto.



Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona offers an innovative MSc in Bioinformatics for genomics, drug design and High Performance Computing. See detailed information in MSc in Bioinformatics.
Universitat de Vic offers an international 1 year (60 ECTS) MSc in Analysis of Omics Data in its Barcelona Office.


There are also opportunities to study bioinformatics on the “normal” biotech courses in Gothenburg Linköping and Umå.
The School of Mathematical and Computing Sciences at Chalmers offers undergraduate and Master’s programmes in bioinformatics.


The Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics used to offer a Master’s degree (DEA) in Bioinformatics. It was a collaboration between the SIB and three faculties of the Universities of Geneva and Lausanne. This program was closed in 2004. It was replaced by a PhD school in Bioinformatics and a Master’s degree in Proteomics and Bioinformatics. While the PhD school offers cutting-edge courses for students doing a project in bioinformatics, the masters gives a basic education in bioinformatics for end-users. While the PhD school is a collaboration among all the SIB members, the masters is a collaboration between the SIB groups located in Geneva and the University of Geneva.
Since 2006 ETH Zurich and UZH Zurich offers a joint programm in computational biology and bioinformatics. The main language of the programm is English.

United Kingdom

A review of bioinformatics education in the UK for the journal Briefings in Bioinformatics ends with a detailed listing of all current and some future undergraduate and graduate courses in bioinformatics the UK as of September 2002, along with links. You can read a preprint here.
Bioinformatics is among the specialisms available on Aberdeen University‘s MSc/PgDip Information Technology.
Birkbeck College is a British centre with a proud tradition in educating working and/or mature students to the highest academic standards.
The University of Birmingham and UMIST offers undergraduate courses in bioinformatics.
Cambridge University is planning an MPhil in Computational Molecular Biology to start in 2004-2005.
Hussein Zedan pointed out that De Montfort University, Leicester was going to start its MSc. in Bioinformatics in September 2003 in both full- and part-time formats.
There are various graduate programmes offered by the University of Exeter MSc/MRes/PgCert/PgDip in Bioinformatics.
King’s College London offers an MSc/PGDip in Bioinformatics at its new Centre for Bioinformatics. The programme director is Professor Christos Ouzounis, formerly of CERTH and the EBI.
There are MRes studentships available on the courses at Leeds University.
On 20Jan03 UKeU, the UK government-backed company set up to provide online degrees from UK universities to students worldwide, announced a new Master’s level programme in Bioinformatics from the Universities of Leeds and Manchester.
Manchester University also teaches bioinformatics to its undergraduates as well as offering a taught MSc. course in the subject.
Newcastle University’s MRes in Bioinformatics began in September 2003.
Oxford University has a Master’s degree course with an interesting flexible structure. Thank you to Helen Parkinson and Clare Hayes for this information.
Thank you to David Parkinson (no relation to Helen, above) for pointing out to me that for the past two years Sheffield Hallam University has offered an MSc/PGDip in Bioinformatics at its Graduate School in Science, Engineering and Technology.
Rafiu Fakunle emailed to tell me that Queen Mary, University of London offers an undergraduate degree in bioinformatics.
Royal Holloway College in the University of London offers an MSc. in Computer Science by Research in which a bioinformatics specialism is available.
University College London (UCL) offers a final year undergraduate course: “Bioinformatics:Genes, Proteins and Computers”.
Together with Harrow School of Computer Science, The University of Westminster, a new university in London, offers an MSc. in Bioinformatics as both a full- and part-time course. Again this is aimed primarily at graduates of the biological sciences.
York University‘s Department of Biology offers Masters courses and PhDs in both computational biology and biomolecular science.