Bioinformatics glossary- J
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Bioinformatics glossary- J

Jalview is a multiple alignment editor, used by the EBI clustalw server and the PFAM protein domain database. It is available as a general purpose alignment editor.
A variant of Greek key topology with both ends of a sandwich or a barrel fold being crossed by two interstrand connections. (SCOP)
A variant of Greek key topology with both ends of a sandwich or a barrel fold being crossed by two interstrand connections. (SCOP)
Junk DNA
Term used to describe the excess DNA that is present in the genome beyond that required to encode proteins. A misleading term since these regions are likely to be involved in gene regulation, and other as yet unidentified functions.
JME molecular editor tool
A Java applet which allows you to draw / edit molecules and reactions and to depict molecules directly within an HTML page
A free, open source molecule viewer based on Rasmol but written in Java. http://jmol.sourceforge.net/
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate.