
Step-by-Step Guide to Changing Chromosome Notation in VCF Files

December 28, 2024 Off By admin

VCF (Variant Call Format) files are widely used in bioinformatics to store genomic data, particularly for representing variant information such as SNPs, insertions, and deletions. These files often use different chromosome notations (e.g., chr1 vs. 1). In some cases, you may need to standardize chromosome notation across multiple VCF files to ensure compatibility when merging datasets or performing downstream analysis.

Why Change Chromosome Notation?

  1. Consistency in Data: Genomic tools (such as GATK, VCFtools, and bcftools) may expect a specific chromosome naming convention (e.g., with or without the “chr” prefix). Inconsistent notations can cause errors or misinterpretation of the data during analysis.
  2. Merging VCF Files: When combining datasets that use different chromosome notations, it’s crucial to ensure the notations match. For example, one file may use chr1 while another uses 1.
  3. Alignment with Reference Genomes: Different reference genomes may use different naming conventions for chromosomes. It is important to adjust the VCF notation to match the reference genome in use (e.g., UCSC vs. NCBI).


  • Merging multiple VCF files from different sources or experiments
  • Converting genome annotations from one reference genome to another
  • Preparing data for downstream analysis using genomic tools like GATK, VCFtools, or bcftools

Step-by-Step Process to Change Chromosome Notation

You can modify chromosome notations using command-line tools like awk, sed, bcftools, and GATK. Below are common approaches, using Unix commands for simplicity.

Method 1: Using AWK (for Simple Notation Changes)

If you have a simple need to add or remove the “chr” prefix to chromosome names, you can use awk, a powerful text-processing tool. This is ideal when you need to standardize VCF file chromosome names.

1. Remove the “chr” prefix (If chromosomes are labeled as chr1, chr2, etc., and you want to remove the “chr”):

awk '{gsub(/^chr/, ""); print}' input.vcf > output_no_chr.vcf

This command:

  • Searches for lines that start with “chr” (^chr).
  • Replaces “chr” with nothing ("").
  • Prints the modified lines to a new VCF file.

2. Add the “chr” prefix (If chromosomes are labeled as 1, 2, etc., and you want to add the “chr” prefix):

awk '{if($0 !~ /^#/) print "chr"$0; else print $0}' input.vcf > output_with_chr.vcf

This command:

  • Checks if the line does not start with a # (header lines in VCF files).
  • If it’s a data line (not a header), it adds “chr” before the chromosome name.
  • Otherwise, it prints the header lines unchanged.

Method 2: Using bcftools (for More Complex Changes)

bcftools is another powerful tool that can handle more advanced use cases, especially when working with compressed VCF files or large datasets.

1. Rename Chromosomes Using a Mapping File

If you have complex or custom chromosome names (e.g., CP003827), you can create a mapping file and use bcftools to rename chromosomes.

  1. Create a mapping file (chr_name_conv.txt), which associates your old chromosome names with the new ones. For example:
echo "CP003827 chr8" > chr_name_conv.txt
echo "CP003822 chr3" >> chr_name_conv.txt
echo "CP003824 chr5" >> chr_name_conv.txt
# Add all your mappings here
  1. Use bcftools to rename chromosomes based on this mapping file:
bcftools annotate --rename-chrs chr_name_conv.txt input.vcf.gz | bgzip > output.vcf.gz
  • --rename-chrs uses the mapping file to rename chromosomes.
  • bgzip compresses the output VCF.

2. Rename Chromosomes for Standard VCF Files

For a VCF file using chromosomes labeled as 1, 2, etc., and you want to add the “chr” prefix:

echo "1 chr1" > chr_name_conv.txt
echo "2 chr2" >> chr_name_conv.txt
# Repeat for other chromosomes (3, 4, ..., 22, X, Y, MT)
bcftools annotate --rename-chrs chr_name_conv.txt input.vcf.gz | bgzip > output.vcf.gz

This will rename chromosomes 1-22 and X, Y, and MT to chr1, chr2, etc.

Method 3: Using GATK (for Integration with Other Tools)

If you’re working with the GATK pipeline and need to standardize chromosome notation, GATK’s CombineVariants tool can be used to merge files with different notations.

However, GATK does not provide an explicit command for renaming chromosomes. Instead, you would use a preprocessing step with awk or bcftools to ensure consistency before using GATK for variant calling or merging.

Considerations When Changing Chromosome Notation

  • VCF Headers: If you’re using awk or bcftools, ensure the header lines (e.g., ##contig=<ID=1>) are also updated to reflect the new notation.
  • Genome Reference: Ensure that the VCF chromosome names match the reference genome you’re using for analysis. Different reference genomes may use different conventions (e.g., UCSC vs. NCBI).
  • Careful with Non-Canonical Chromosomes: Be cautious when renaming non-standard chromosomes (e.g., CP003827) to canonical ones like chr8. Ensure you don’t accidentally rename contigs or other non-standard entries.


Changing chromosome notation in VCF files is a common task in bioinformatics, especially when preparing data for downstream analysis or merging files. Using tools like awk, bcftools, and GATK can help you standardize chromosome names efficiently. Whether you’re adding or removing the “chr” prefix, or renaming chromosomes to match a specific reference, it’s essential to ensure consistency across your datasets to avoid errors in analysis.

By following the methods outlined above, you can quickly align your VCF files to your desired chromosome notation and integrate them seamlessly with other datasets and bioinformatics tools.
