Specialized Immunology databases
January 12, 2007Kabat database (kabatdatabase.com) contains entries of proteins of immunological interest: Ig, T cell receptors (TCR), major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules and other immunological proteins.
Now not supported through website freely. It is available for purchase for $2250 US
The IMGT databases (imgt.cines.fr) contain highquality annotations of DNA and protein sequences of Ig, TCR and MHC. They also contain IMGT-related genomic and structural data.
The FIMM database (sdmc.lit.org.sg/fimm) focuses on protein antigens, MHC molecules and structures, MHC-associated peptides and relevant disease associations.
The SYFPEITHI database (syfpeithi.bmi-heidelberg.com) contains entries of MHC ligands and peptide motifs.
The HIV molecular immunology database (http://www.hiv.lanl.gov/content/immunology/index.html) is an annotated searchable repository of HIV1 T cell and B cell epitopes.