bioinformatics-DNA, protein

Accessing Genotyping Data and GWAS Data for eQTL Studies

November 20, 2023 Off By admin

Genotyping data and Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) data are fundamental components in conducting expression Quantitative Trait Loci (eQTL) studies, providing critical insights into the relationship between genetic variations and complex traits. In this tutorial, we will explore reputable databases where researchers can access comprehensive genotypic and phenotypic data for eQTL analyses.

1. Mouse Phenome Database:

2. GWAS Central:

  • Link: GWAS Central
  • Description: A crucial platform for genetic association studies, offering summary-level findings from various studies globally. Enables researchers to identify potential genetic associations with diverse traits and diseases.

3. Mouse Genomes Project:

4. MGI-Mouse Genome Informatics:

5. International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC):

  • Link: IMPC
  • Description: Features a large-scale phenotyping repository, providing abundant data about gene function in mice. Facilitates the correlation of genotypes with observable phenotypes.

Obtaining Data and Incorporating into eQTL Studies:

  1. Download Data:
    • Visit the respective databases and follow their data download procedures.
    • Ensure you have sufficient storage space and bandwidth for large datasets.
  2. Data Analysis:
    • Utilize the downloaded data in studies of eQTLs.
    • Investigate statistically significant relationships between genetic variants and gene expression levels.
  3. Enhance Comprehension:
    • Enrich your understanding of the genetic basis of complex traits using the obtained genotyping and GWAS data.